DaanUtsav is India's own festival that celebrates giving. It takes place every year from the 2nd to 8th October, providing its citizens the opportunity to contribute time, money, materials or skills to benefit an individual, organization or cause. October 2nd marks the birth anniversary celebrations of Mahatma Gandhi, who has inspired people world over to give back to society.
Over the past 10 years, TV9 has been promoting Joy of Giving Week, encouraged and inspired many. What started out as a simple idea, is now a mass movement of giving involving corporates, schools, colleges, not-for-profits, governments and communities. Ideas and inspiring acts of generosity are there in abundance, and TV9 has telecast programs on organisations that helped those in need.
TV9 has encouraged people to join the celebrations. It could be spending time with the elderly, giving books, toys and other material to those who cannot afford them or volunteering at the local animal shelter.
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TV9 has been supporting this cause by airing free promos on its network channels and also by covering and highlighting many events associated with this cause.
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